Thursday, 31 March 2011

me as an alien

i'd finished reading my Twilight series. i think vampire is quite fascinating, vampire life is interesting, we didn't need to sleep, go to the toilet, remain young, and be immortal. but i prefer to be an alien. honestly, i always thinking of myself  as an alien, and i'm proud of it. that's why sometimes i feel like an outstander in a croud of people.

i can't get along very well with human. its really fun to think that i'm different from other people. sometimes i also feel like an alien even in my family. its the same when i'm in school. i always being different from other people. but it just make me feel happy and proud to be different.

then i came to this college, and i'm quite surprised that i found someone who is almost an 'alien' like me. to me she is really special, its very rare to find someone like her. and i don't know which one of us that is more critical. that's all by now. 

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

food for memory

Our memory becoming worse when we'we getting older. In order to improve it, we have to consume brain food; foods that can helt to increase memory. among the foods are berries, spinach, oranges, baked potato, banana, honey, and pink salmon.

berries are full of antioxidants, which help to prevent free radicals damaging cells in the body. Specifically blueberries are the the power berries to improve memory. Eating just 1/4 cup of blueberries everyday will help your memory. It is the best because of the anthocyanic purple blue pigments and chlorogenic acid found in it, and exellent in helping the brain.

Spinach contains potassium, magnesium, vitamin B12, vitamin B6, and folic acid which are a great combination for brain power. The folic acid in spinach help protect neurons in the brain. These vitamins also play a big part in helping to make healthy red blood cells which is the vehicle to carry oxygen to the brain. The potassium and magnesium are proven agents in helping to lower the blood pressure.

Oranges are mostly known for their high concentration of vitamin C. Whether eaten fresh or as fresh orange juice, they are powerful brain boosters, and they are well-known as being a great immune booster. It contains flavonoids which also is an added benefit for helping to prevent varicose veins, thus protecting against heart disease.

Baked potato is great for memory and lowering blood pressure. Potassium is loaded in potato, help in lowering and regulating blood pressure. For just 1/2 cup of baked potato, you will consume 9% vitamin B6, 13% vitamin C, 1% folate, 4% magnesium, and 7% potassium.

For one medium size of banana, you'll get 34% vitamin B6, 18% vitamin C, 9% magnesium, and 13%  potassium.All these nutrients are excellent combination for the brain. While mango is rich in glutamine acid, which is an important protein for concentration and memory.

The research carried out in 2007 on rats at the University of Waikato in Hamilton, New Zealand shows that diets sweetened with honey may be beneficial in decreasing anxiety and improving memory during aging. Pink salmon is rich in useful nutrients; vitamin B6, vitamin B12, vitamin E, calcium, magnesium and potassium.

Sunday, 20 March 2011

this life

This life is about repetition. Since we're baby, we just do the same things everyday. Wake up from sleep we bath, then eat, walk, talk, eat more, and finally we sleep. This lide is also about a circle; where we become a loser before a winner. And we may be a loser again, more than once. Just like when we first learnt to walk; a few steps after and then we fall, and then we tried again until we can walk properly. Therefore we learned that there is victory after the lost. We have to be a looser, feel the pain and learned our mistakes before we become a winner.

But why, we stopped pushing ourself when we've grown up. We easily gave up to the pain and frustrations, we failed to find the inner strength. It seems like we grew weaker. So we must continuously remind ourself to always wake up from the fall. The inner strength is present in everyone's soul. It's just that we must know how to find it.

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

boring day

Today is a boring day. I'd 2 tests today and tomorrow'll be one test and one quiz. Two labs experiments are waiting for me tomorrow; how I hate experiments. I didn't know why I end up in a science class. Science is not my pasion. I'm always tired of learning all those subjects. Tomorrow is just a boring day